« Kidnapped » is a classic adventure novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson, first published in 1886. Set against the backdrop of 18th-century Scotland, the story follows the young and naive David Balfour as he embarks on a perilous journey after being cheated out of his inheritance by his scheming uncle. Kidnapped by a treacherous captain and wrongly accused of rebellion, David finds himself on a tumultuous voyage at sea, facing the dangers of shipwrecks and hostile crew members. His life takes a dramatic turn when he forms an unlikely alliance with the enigmatic and heroic Alan Breck Stewart, and together they navigate the rugged Scottish Highlands, encountering betrayal, intrigue, and the struggle for justice. « Kidnapped » is a gripping tale of courage, friendship, and the quest for identity in a turbulent historical period.
$ 1,00
« Kidnapped » by Robert Louis Stevenson is a thrilling ebook that follows the journey of David Balfour, a young man who is kidnapped and embarks on a perilous adventure in 18th-century Scotland. It’s a tale of intrigue, courage, and survival.
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