Shipping & Refund Policy

ebook's haven online

Shipping & Delivery Policy

Since We provide Books in a Digital format (PDF),

Once you’ll complete your purchase, a Thank you page will appear containing your order details as well as a Download Button to get your eBook, Therefore you won’t have to wait, Also a confirmation email will be sent to you which includes the invoice and the eBook itself. By using our Website to buy your desired eBooks you won’t have to wait for your eBook it will be delivered immediately once your order is completed.

Refund Policy

Thanks for shopping at eBook’s haven online. If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we are here to help. Since all our products are digital (usually in PDF format), returns aren’t really possible. However, we understand that a person may want a refund due to many reasons, therefore we have the following policy for refunds:

  • We have 1 week (7 days) refund policy in case if a product doesn’t meet the description, is the wrong edition or not formatted we will refund you the full amount.

  • In case of duplicate purchase, double charge etc, you can ask for a refund We will honor your request even if it’s 6 months late after we perform our investigation.

  • When asking for a refund, please contact us via Livechat, email : and tell us the problem along with your order number and/or email you used for the order and mode of

  • We try to respond within a maximum of 24 hours (however, its usually much sooner).

Please contact us or you can chat with us online if you’re not sure about something before placing your order because then we won’t be responsible for it.

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