Essential Electrodynamics

$ 6,00

« Essential Electrodynamics » by Raymond John Protheroe provides a clear and focused introduction to the fundamental concepts of electrodynamics, covering key topics like electric and magnetic fields, Maxwell’s equations, and electromagnetic waves. Ideal for students and professionals seeking a solid understanding of electrodynamics.

GTIN :9788740304480
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« Essential Electrodynamics » by Raymond John Protheroe offers a concise yet comprehensive introduction to the fundamental principles of electrodynamics. This ebook is tailored for students and professionals who need to grasp the core concepts and applications of electrodynamics without delving into unnecessary complexities. It covers essential topics such as electric and magnetic fields, Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic waves, and the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. The book is structured to build a solid foundation in electrodynamics, making it an invaluable resource for those studying physics, engineering, or related fields.


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